Computer Science Club

New Members are
Always Welcome
As a member, some of the perks you'll have access to include computer science talks and workshops, catered social events, and a wide network of other computer science students and graduates to learn from and make friends with.
First-Year Perks
Are you a first year student? The Club runs activities at the start of the year specifically for you, giving you a chance to meet other students, and helping you ease into uni life.
Upcoming Events
CSC x CPC x SQUAD Industry Night
The club has a major focus on education and learning. We run workshops to assist students with their studies and host other educational events such as talks and guest lectures.
We are primarily a social club. Events such as meet & greets, games / movies nights, BBQs, and pub crawls are just some of the social events the club runs each year.
Coding is what we do and love. Whether you're looking for some feedback on a project or have technical questions, the club is a great way to meet and learn from others.
Supported By
New members are always welcome. Join us today!